"What is Flask in Python? A Beginner's Guide" written in bold black text on a white background.

Flask is a popular web framework for Python that is known for its simplicity and flexibility. Whether you’re new to web development or an experienced developer, Flask provides the tools to build web applications efficiently and effectively. This article will dive into what Flask is, why it’s useful, and how to get started with it.

What is Flask?

Flask is a micro web framework for Python. It was created by Armin Ronacher and is designed to be lightweight and easy to use. Unlike some other web frameworks, Flask does not come with a lot of built-in features. Instead, it gives developers the flexibility to choose the components they need and add them as necessary.

Key Features of Flask

  • Minimalistic Core: Flask provides the essentials needed to get a web application up and running, such as routing and request handling.
  • Flexibility: Developers can use any extensions or libraries they prefer, making it highly customizable.
  • Simplicity: The framework is straightforward to set up and use, especially for small to medium-sized applications.
  • Scalability: While it starts simple, Flask can scale with the help of various extensions and libraries.

Why Use Flask?

Easy to Learn

Flask is often recommended for beginners due to its simple, easy-to-understand syntax and documentation. If you’re just starting with web development, Flask’s straightforward nature will help you grasp the fundamentals quickly.

Flexibility and Control

Flask allows you to choose how you want to structure your application and which components to use. This means you can create a solution tailored to your specific needs without unnecessary bloat.

Great for Prototyping

Due to its simplicity, Flask is excellent for developing prototypes and small applications. You can quickly set up routes, handle requests, and render templates to see how your application will look and behave.

Active Community and Extensions

Flask has a vibrant community and a rich ecosystem of extensions. Whether you need to handle user authentication, work with databases, or integrate with APIs, there’s likely an extension available to help.

Getting Started with Flask


To start using Flask, you first need to install it. This can be done easily using pip, Python’s package installer.

pip install Flask

A Simple Flask Application

Here’s a basic example to get you started with Flask:

  1. Create a new Python file (e.g., app.py).
  2. Add the following code:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(name)

def hello_world():
return ‘Hello, World!’

if name == ‘main‘:

  1. Run your application: python app.py
  2. Open your web browser and go to to see the result.

Understanding the Code

  • Import Flask: The first step is to import the Flask class from the flask module.
  • Create an Instance: Create an instance of the Flask class. This instance will be our WSGI application.
  • Define a Route: Use the @app.route decorator to bind a function to a URL. In this case, we bind the hello_world function to the root URL /.
  • Run the Application: The app.run method starts the Flask web server. Setting debug=True enables debug mode, which provides helpful error messages and automatically reloads the server when you make changes to your code.

Next Steps

With this basic understanding and setup, you can start building more complex applications. You can add more routes, integrate templates using Jinja2 (Flask’s default template engine), handle form data, connect to databases, and much more.

Example: Adding a New Route

To add a new route to your Flask application, you can define another function and use the @app.route decorator:

def about():
    return 'This is the About page.'

Now, if you navigate to, you’ll see the message “This is the About page.”


Flask is a powerful yet simple framework for web development in Python. Its flexibility and ease of use make it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced developers. By understanding the basics and experimenting with its features, you can create robust web applications suited to your needs.

2 responses to “What is Flask in Python? A Beginner’s Guide”

  1. What Are Frameworks in Python? A Beginner’s Guide – NinetyTries Avatar

    […] Use It: Flask is lightweight and flexible. It doesn’t come with as many built-in features as Django, but it […]


  2. How to Create a Website Using Python – NinetyTries Avatar

    […] Flask is a micro-framework, which means it’s lightweight and gives you control over how you implement your application’s features. It’s great for beginners due to its simplicity and flexibility. […]


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