"Printing Variable Values in Python: When to Use Comma-Separated Values vs. F-strings text with coding icon"


Understanding how to effectively print variable values is a fundamental skill in Python programming. This article explores two common methods: using comma-separated values in the print function and using f-strings (formatted string literals). We’ll discuss when to use each method and provide simple examples to illustrate their uses.

Method 1: Comma-Separated Values in the print Function

Using commas within the print function is a straightforward way to display multiple items, including variables. Each comma-separated value is printed with a space in between.

x = 5
y = 10
print("x:", x, "y:", y)  # Outputs: x: 5 y: 10

Method 2: F-strings (Formatted String Literals)

F-strings offer a more readable and concise way to include variable values within a string. By prefixing the string with f or F, you can embed expressions directly inside curly braces {}.

name = "Alice"
age = 30
print(f"Name: {name}, Age: {age}")  # Outputs: Name: Alice, Age: 30

When to Use Each Method

Comma-Separated Values in print

  • Simple and Quick: Ideal for basic printing without the need for additional formatting.
  • Automatic Spacing: Inserts spaces between items automatically, which can be convenient.
  • Readability: Suitable for straightforward scenarios where you need to print several items quickly.


  • Readability and Conciseness: More readable and concise, especially when embedding multiple variables within a string.
  • Flexibility: Allows complex expressions and specific formatting within the string.
  • Preferred for Complex Outputs: Ideal when creating strings with multiple variables or requiring specific formatting.


Example 1: Basic Variable Printing with Comma-Separated Values

temperature = 23
humidity = 65
print("Temperature:", temperature, "Humidity:", humidity)
# Outputs: Temperature: 23 Humidity: 65

Example 2: Using F-strings for Readable Output

city = "New York"
population = 8419000
print(f"City: {city}, Population: {population}")
# Outputs: City: New York, Population: 8419000

Do You Always Need to Use F-strings?

No, you don’t always need to use f-strings. Both methods have their place, and the choice depends on your specific use case:

  • Comma-Separated Values: Perfect for quick and simple prints where minimal formatting is needed.
  • F-strings: Preferred for more complex strings, better readability, and when specific formatting is essential.


Both comma-separated values in the print function and f-strings are valuable tools for printing variable values in Python. By understanding when to use each method, you can write clearer and more efficient code.

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