Why Do We Use Parentheses After the Function Name in Python Programming Language? Text on a dark background with a Python icon on the right.

In Python programming, you’ll often see parentheses after function names. But why do we use them? Let’s break it down in simple terms.

Understanding Functions in Python

A function in Python is a block of reusable code that performs a specific task. Functions help you organize your code into manageable, modular chunks. Here’s a basic example:

def greet():
    print("Hello, world!")

In this example, greet is a function that, when called, will print “Hello, world!” to the console.

Defining vs. Calling a Function

To understand the role of parentheses, it’s essential to distinguish between defining a function and calling a function.

  • Defining a Function: This is when you create the function and specify what it does. For example: def greet(): print("Hello, world!") Here, def greet(): defines a function named greet.
  • Calling a Function: This is when you actually use the function to perform its task. For example: greet() Here, greet() calls the function, causing it to execute and print “Hello, world!”

Role of Parentheses

Parentheses play a crucial role in function calls. When you add parentheses after the function name, you tell Python to execute the function. Without parentheses, Python just treats the function as an object without executing it.

Let’s look at an analogy:

Imagine you have a robot named cook:

  • Defining the Robot: You set up the robot and give it instructions on how to cook.
  • Calling the Robot: You tell the robot to start cooking.

In code, defining the robot looks like this:

def cook():
    print("Cooking food!")

And calling the robot to start cooking looks like this:


If you only write cook without parentheses, it’s like pointing at the robot but not actually telling it to start cooking.

Passing Arguments to Functions

Parentheses are also used to pass arguments to functions. Arguments are values you provide to a function to customize its behavior. For example:

def greet(name):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

Here, the greet function takes an argument name. When calling the function, you provide the argument within the parentheses:


This will output:

Hello, Alice!


  • Parentheses After Function Names: Indicate a function call and execute the function.
  • No Parentheses: Refers to the function object without executing it.
  • Passing Arguments: Parentheses also allow you to pass arguments to the function.

In conclusion, parentheses are crucial in Python to differentiate between defining a function and calling it, as well as to pass arguments. This small but essential piece of syntax ensures your code runs as intended.

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